Catholic Schools Inspectorate Report

Catholic schools, as part of the mission of the Church, are challenged by the Gospel to affirm their pupils’ basic goodness, to promote their dignity and to develop their gifts to the full.

Schools are challenged to educate people to live responsibly for the fullness of life that God wills for each of us.

The most recent Catholic Schools Inspectorate inspection of our school took place in 2023. The full report can be accessed by clicking on the document below:

We were rated us Outstanding in Catholic Life and Mission and Good in both Religious Education and Collective Worship.

St Charles, Hadfield CSI Report 2023

“The Catholic life and mission of the school is outstanding. Opportunities provided for pupils to learn about and develop their faith are well embedded; pupils therefore have a strong sense of social responsibility for others by following in the footsteps of Jesus.” – CSI Report 2023